Climate Facts
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CO2 Budget For 4.0°C
Thoughts on Climate Sensitivity
Climate Change - Where We Are Now
Simple Global Warming Model
(Simple Global Warming Model Spreadsheet)
Climate Change Observations
Amplifying Feedbacks
Radiative Forcing, Climate Sensitivity, and Global Warming
Will Geoengineering Be Necessary?
Global Warming Observations
Implications of Expected Radiative Forcing
Does the IPCC Underestimate the Amount of Warming We Should Expect?
How Important are Natural Causes in the Temperature Increases Expected this Century?
Temperature Sensitivity to Changes in Radiative Forcings and CO2 Emissions
Climate Change Status Check
Climate Models and Common Sense - Sea Level Rise
    Sea Level Rise Reference
INDC Analysis
Data for INDC Analysis
How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work?
How Much Has The Earth Warmed Since Pre-Idustrial Times?
Expected Global Temperature Increase
Expected Temperature Increase by 2100
Estimating the Expected Temperature Increase
How Much Warming Can We Expect?
The Economics of Climate Change - Likely Carbon Sequestration Costs
IPCC Carbon Budget Fantasy
Catastrophic Climate Change
Fairness in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
INDC Calculations
Feedback Analysis
Estimate of Radiative Forcing from the Surface Albedo Change in the IPCC Models
Arctic Amplification
Global Warming Feedbacks
    Feedback From Arctic Sea Ice Melt
        Projecting the Decline of Arctic Sea Ice
        Reduced Arctic Sea Ice Extent - Background
        Climate Sensitivity and Arctic Sea Ice Melt
    Feedback From Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Loss
    Feedback From Permafrost Thawing
Effective Radiative Forcing Changes
Is Catastrophic Climate Change Inevitable?
Albedo and CO2 Temp Calcs
Why Burning Coal Cools the Planet
Albedo/Arctic Ice Data
Albedo/NH SCE Data
Albedo/Temp calcs
St Mary's May 18, 2014
Climate Facts
This Fact Page displays text and images related to global warming and climate change
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